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This website contains professional information about Dr Olivia Inwood.

I work as an Academic Literacy Coordinator (Library Academic and Research Services) at Western Sydney University

I obtained my PhD: "A Discourse-Analytic Approach to the Study of Information Disorders: How Online Communities Legitimate Social Bonds When Communing Around Misinformation and Disinformation" in 2023 from UNSW Sydney.

My research interests include: systemic functional linguistics, natural language processing, generative AI in education, information disorders (misinformation and disinformation), social media, and multimodality.

On this website, you can read more about myself and my work, discover my recent academic publications, or access my CV.


Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can help you with or if you are interested in knowing more about my research and work. I enjoy communicating with everyone :)

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© 2023 Olivia Inwood

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